Devlog 2024-01-25

Been meaning to post an update, it's just that whenever I have free time I prefer deving over writing. But this is overdue so here's the latest...

This release has been a real grind. There's a lot of new stuff, and anything new needs to be R&D'd pretty heavily, so that all takes a lot of time. The season also took its toll, and I had a pretty bad bout of seasonal depression/anxiety which killed my motivation. I even stepped away from deving for almost a week because I just didn't want to do it. That's very uncharacteristic of me since deving has been my passion since I started nearly 3 years ago. But I seem to be over the hurdle and have been putting in good sessions for a few weeks now.

The next level will include a number of new things - a new enemy, a new trap, new characters, new puzzles, and a bunch of new anims. I have most of the anims completed and I'm almost done building the level skeleton, after which I need to polish it up and add backgrounds, dialogues, etc to make it presentable. There are also a number of bug fixes I need to address. So with all that, I estimate I'll be ready to release beta in about 4 weeks.

Thanks all and stay tuned for updates.

Get Val Karee


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Your game should have a scene like this where girls decapitated feet and heads are put together. I hope our corrupted heroine is the one doing these snuff sex crimes toward these girls later.


Did you already send that pic to me in the past?  I've seen it before and I even think I bookmarked it as a 'maybe' for the game, funny if I saw it elsewhere and we were thinking the same thing.