Dev update 2023/09/01

Things have been progressing well and I'm confident the next release will drop by the end of this month, maybe even towards the middle. I'm excited about the new level 1 updates and how they will set things up for the future levels, and as I play through it I already find the small changes (Val will start with 2 grenades and will have a 50% faster rate of fire) make it more fun. I may even increase grenade shrapnel range and/or make grenades detonate earlier to make them more effective and predictable.

As is my wont, the more I worked on the level the more content I added, and I'm now at a point where there's too much to add to just level 1. So I'm going to move some of that new content to level 2. That level has real estate available for more rooms and this will make gameplay more like levels 1 and 4. I may even add some small stuff to level 3 to make the game more consistent.

These are the changes as they stand now:

- 3 new interactable NPC's
- 5 new H anims
- 1 new background anim
- updated Monica shot anim
- updated Monica decap CGI
- new 'mission' that needs to be completed to move forward
- Val will start with 2 grenades and will have a 50% faster rate of fire
- There will also be fewer zombies and more time between spawns in certain sections.
- Existing dialogue will be improved

I was hoping to skip the beta testing phase for this release, but with all the changes there's a good chance I broke something. So the beta's gonna happen, let me know if you're interested in beta testing.

Get Val Karee

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